In late 2019, we were involved in some emergency washwall removal works which led onto further piling works on the Grand Union in Buckinghamshire. Our 70ft crane barge was deployed which could grab out the collapsed washwall and discharge directly into the hold, allowing full navigation of the canal in a short time. The washwall then needed replacing to prevent further collapses.
Using a mini digger pontoon, a piling hammer was attached to the crane to install the sheet piles. From our specialist fleet of work boats we also used a pusher tug & hoppers to transport materials up the canal due to the remote location of the works. The pusher tug also provided floating welfare.
The piles were backtied and had a waler fixed to the front to stabilise the bank before being backfilled. The towpath verge was then reinstated with soil & grass seed.
The client was very pleased with the works stating “…what a great job your lads & The Rothen Group have done with the removal of the failed wall & installation of the piling… not only did your lads deliver a top rate finish, but they also cleared around 100m of tow path that had been covered with years of mud back to its original stone finish! Please pass on a big well done and thank you to your team from us and numerous local residents, who also are very happy with their safe new tow path.”