This more environmentally sensitive bank protection can provide a high quality and economical form of erosion control. This is more suitable for smaller watercourses or sites where low usage and wear will occur. However, when used with coir rolls the benefit of its ‘open pocket’ structure enables vegetation to grow through the protection and therefore create excellent habitat and is therefore used on more ecologically sensitive sites.
Through sensitive backfilling and seeding the original bank can quickly re-establish and flourish. We are more than happy to advise on the best backfill and seed mixes for your requirements.

Soft bank protection
There are different types of soft bank protection including; nicospan, coir rolls, rock rolls & gabion baskets. We can advise on the best option.
Nicospan is an environmentally sensitive bank protection can provide a high quality and economical form of erosion control. This is more suitable for smaller watercourses or sites where low usage and wear will occur.
However, when used with coir rolls the benefit of its ‘open pocket’ structure enables vegetation to grow through the protection and therefore create excellent habitat and is therefore used on more ecologically sensitive sites.
Through sensitive backfilling and seeding the original bank can quickly re-establish and flourish. We are more than happy to advise on the best backfill and seed mixes for your requirements.
What is canal bank protection?
Bank protection provides structural support to the canal, protecting it from natural and man-made erosion, and also preventing leaks. Four common solutions for canal and river bank protection are brick pitching, stone riprap, boulder pitching and concrete slab lining.
With an increase in extreme weather changes due to global warming, protecting canal banks from the impact of this is crucial. Marine piling contractors, such as The Rothen Group, can help to maintain the integrity of the banks against flash floods and other conditions.
Working with Canal & River Trust, The Rothen Group are specialists in erosion control. Preventing the banks and adjacent towpaths from slipping into the canal through installing rock rolls and rock mattresses.
What is Nicospan?
Nicospan is an environmentally sensitive bank protection material. It is suited for smaller watercourses or sites with less use and wear. It may be difficult to carry out land works on these sites, meaning small crane barges with mounted cranes offer a potential solution.