Dawson Construction Excavator Mounted Vibrators (EMVs) work in place of an excavator bucket to both drive and extract piles. These vibratory hammers form a productive and cost effective due piling rig that works around a standard excavator.
Compact, robust and reliable - no electrics
Simple and fast attachment to the excavator
Minimal height to maximise the pile length
Slim design to drive single sheet piles
High power to weight ratio
Universal joint suspension for easy alignment of piles
Extremely low vibration transmitted to the excavator
Automatic hydraulic clamp operation
Flexibility in application
Flow regulator prevents excessive oil supply to vibrator
Heavy saddles available for crane suspended models
The EMV70 will drive trench sheets, short lengths of steel piles, wooden posts, tubes and plastic piles, working off 5–12 tonne excavators. In between the EMV70 and EMV300 hammers, the EMV220 is only 5kg heavier than the smaller EMV70. We would recommend it for jobs limited by the excavator size, perhaps with a heavier pile than a trench sheet.
At the other end of the scale, our largest vibrohammer is the EMV300. Powered by excavators between 13 and 25 tonne, this hammer is ideal for the Larssen range, or other mid-heavy duty piles.